I CAN Be Healthy

Healthy fun for everyone


Just add a pinch of imagination...

It takes a village to stay healthy, and that’s just what I CAN Be Healthy is. Kids can prepare, cook and serve-up a delicious helping of nutritious food in the café. Equipped with an oven, cashier’s checkout and table settings, young chefs can create the full dining experience.

But where does the food for the café come from? Why, the farm, of course! Jump on the full-sized tractor in front of a backdrop of corn, or collect apples in baskets and eggs from the chicken coop. Don’t forget to milk the cow!

The food can be delivered to the newly renovated Town Market where everyone loves to shop. Shoppers can fill their carts and check out using state-of-the-art cash registers featuring digital touch screens for both the cashier and the customer.

The enhanced Market allows children and caregivers to learn more about where food comes from and how it nourishes our bodies, with healthy play food selection, microscopes to take a closer look at seeds and sprouts and new time-lapse videos to embark on a virtual journey from farm-to-table.

Looking for even more ways to be healthy? Get moving in the fitness center! Ascend the climbing wall, balance on the low-profile beam, or bounce and bop your way to some televised tunes.

Want to check out how healthy you are? Pop into the doctor’s office for a visit. Put on the doctor attire and evaluate x-rays, or listen to your heart through a stethoscope.

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